REACT welcomes the cohort of graduate student fellows for 2017

The incoming cohort of REACT Fellows was finalized in November. These eight new Fellows will join the ACT 1, 2 and 3 teams for an expectedly productive and exciting 2017. Congratulations to the below recipients of our 2017 REACT Fellowships.

ACT 1: Evan Dolling (Dept: Materials Science, Lab: S. Yang), Emily Lin (Dept: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Lab: R. Riggleman)

ACT 2: Katie Rose (Dept: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Lab: D. Lee), Stephanie Barrow (Dept: Biology at Alabama State University, Lab: M. Coats)

ACT 3: Shawn Maguire (Dept: Materials Science, Lab: R. Composto), Benjamin Paren (Dept: Materials Science, Lab: K. Winey), Melissa Vettleson (Dept: Chemistry, Lab: Z. Fakhraai), Nadia Krook (Dept: Materials Science, Lab: R. Composto)

(L to R) E. Lin, E. Dolling, N. Krook, S. Maguire, M. Vettleson, B. Paren, K. Rose (not pictured, S. Barrow)

Meet the 2017 Fellows Lunch.

See [more photos] from this event.