Monday, November 27, 2017 at the Embassy of France in the United States. Photos courtesy of the Office for Science and Technology.

Opening by Minh-Hà Pham, Counselor for Science and Technology, Embassy of France

Patrick Lachaussée, First Counselor, Embassy of France

Rebecca Keiser, Head, Office of International Science and Engineering, National Science Foundation

Bruno Paing, VP Strategic Partnerships North America, CEA Tech

Alain Fontaine, Director, Nanosciences Foundation

Amy Gadsden, Penn Global

American and French REACT PIs share the stage (R. Composto, P. Rannou)

ACT 1 Hierarchical Structures for Water Management (R. Riggleman, D. Riassetto)

ACT 2 Prevention of Infection Transmission (D. Lee)

ACT 3 Batteries (K. Winey)

ACT 3 Photovoltaic Systems (Z. Fakhraai)

REACT Education and Training (F. Papillon, K. Field)

REACT Trainees (M. Alvarez, N. Krook, N. Gogotsi, T. Niepa, N. Manohar with D. Riassetto)

Trainee Posters at the reception

Keynote lecture (H. Rubin)

Keynote lecture (M. Taylor)

Panel on Meeting Societal Needs