REACT undergrads and Fellows at GIIP 2017

Pre-Grenoble safety and planning meeting for the 2017 Cohort (April 6, 2017).

Nine REACT students started their research experience in French REACT partners’ labs at GIANT in Grenoble, France on May 22, 2017. They joined a larger group of international students, primarily from U.S. institutions, in the GIANT International Internship Program, which provides academic, cultural and social programming to enhance its interns’ 10-week research experience. This cohort includes three Penn Fellows, one Alabama State Fellow, and five undergraduates (three from Penn, one from Bryn Mawr College, one from Villanova).  Two of these students, Stephanie Barrow and Alena Klindziuk, are returning to Grenoble for a second summer, after a completing a successful summer of research in 2016.


Name Institution Research Area Host Lab
Stephanie Barrow Alabama State Antimicrobial layer-by-layer films Picart
Madison Brod Penn Macromolecular engineering, synthesis and characterizations of single-ion bottle-brush polymer électrolytes. Picard
Natalie Gogotsi Penn Directed self-assembly of anisotropic semiconductor nanocrystals with controlled optical properties: molecular engineering of ligands and optoelectronic characterizations Sadki
Alissa Johnson Penn Controlling the separation and the interactions between upconverting nanophosphors and plasmonic nanoparticles in thin-film homopolymer based nanocomposites Rannou
Alena Klindziuk Bryn Mawr Size evolution of spiral magnetic ordering in cobalt chromite nanoparticles Fragneto
Nadia Krook Penn Thin-film block copolymer nanocomposites with tunable optical properties: controlling the position, orientation, and interactions of upconverting nanophosphors Rannou
Andrew Lee Villanova Water adsorption and wetting on nanostructured material surfaces Riassetto
Neha Manohar Penn Nanocomposite membranes for water filtration Fragneto/Riassetto
Brielle Weiner Penn Antimicrobial layer-by-layer films Picart