REACT@Zoom 2020

July 17, 2020, 9-11 am ET

US and French REACT Trainee Presentations and Research Discussion

27 members of the REACT community participated for much of the two-hour event (with a few others popping in and out). Participants joined from Penn (N=14), GIANT (N=9), Alabama State (including alums; N=3), and Solvay-Penn (N=1).


R. Composto

Trainee Presentations

Tran and Clement are based at the GIANT campus in Grenoble, France. The other presenters are affiliated with Penn in Philadelphia.

Act 2

Screen shot W. Mendez presenting

W. Mendez

Act 1

Screen shot S. Cheng presenting

S. Cheng

Screen shot H. Tran presenting

H. Tran

Screen shot of Z. Vicars presenting

Z. Vicars

Act 3

Screen shot of S. Maguirepresenting

S. Maguire

Screen shot of B. Paren presenting

B. Paren

Screen shot of T. Clement presenting

T. Clement

Screen shot of C. Bilchak presenting

C. Bilchak

Breakout Room Discussions

Acts 1, 2, 3, Education and Trainees

Screen shot of Trainees presenting

French and US Trainees discuss ways to sustain international engagement over the next months

Screen shot of ACT3 breakout room

Act 3 Faculty and Senior Researchers exchange ideas for continued interactions during the pandemic

Closing Remarks

P. Rannou